Quick Facts About Monkey Pox

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Photo credit: Vanguardngr.com

There is a recent outbreak of Monkey pox in the Southern part of Nigeria. Here are a few things you need to know about monkey pox. We have also put together a few tips to keep yourself and your family safe from monkey pox.
·         The monkey pox virus is mainly transmitted to people from various wild animals
·         It can also be transmitted from human beings to other human beings.
·         Monkey pox is more severe in younger children
·         There is no vaccine or definitive treatment for monkey pox

·         Monkey pox is transmitted from animals to humans through contact with body fluids such as blood or fluid from the broken skin.
·         Human-to-human, transmission can result from close contact with infected respiratory tract secretions. These activities might enhance transmission
o   When an infected person coughs, sneezes or blows his nose into his hands and touches someone else with it.
o   Not covering one’s mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze
o   Opening door knobs after coughing, sneezing or blowing one’s nose
o   Close face to face contact with infected person.  
·         It can also result from contact with other body fluids like fluids from wounds on the skin
Risk of getting infection gets higher when one stays in close contact with an actively infected person for long periods of time. Household members of patients with active infection are the most at risk of getting infected.

  • Fever
  • Intense headache
  • Swelling of the lymph node),
  • Back pain, muscle ache
  • Intense lack of energy
  • the skin eruption

If you have these symptoms, which is like the symptoms associated with malaria, see a doctor for proper assessment.

Protecting yourself from Monkey pox
·         Reduce close contact with infected persons
·         Use gloves and protective equipment when taking care of ill persons
·         Wash hands regularly especially after caring for or visiting ill people
·         Use disinfectants to clean surfaces touched by ill persons

·         Thoroughly cook all meat products before eating.


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