How do I potty train my child with ease

The ABC of potty training
A committed mindset
Be patient
Create time and stay consistent

Steps to quick potty training
• It is important that your child is ready for potty training before you commence this exercise. Check
out the article, When should I start potty training my child, to see if your child is ready.
• Let your child get familiar with the potty; keep the potty where he can see it. He should feel free to
sit on it with clothes on
• Start first with letting him/her go for a certain length of hours in a day without their diapers. Take
him to the potty every 15 minutes during this time. You could probably choose 2 – 3 hours in the
morning and 2-3 hours in the evening. For example, you could choose to keep him without
diapers between 8 and 10 in the morning and 3 and 5 in the evening. Make sure you maintain
these times daily. Routine is always helpful for children.
• Turn on the tap when you place your child on the potty, the sound of running water could
stimulate peeing.
• Give incentives - Whenever your child uses the potty, reward him or her with something he/she
likes eg sing for him, give a hug, a hi five or any other fun thing he is used to. Cheer him on while
he is using the potty.
• Make your child watch when you dispose of his pee or poop in the toilet and show him when you
flush so he can pick this habit early.
• Get your child to wash his hands after using the potty.
• After a few days eg three to five days, you could go on to let your child go the whole day without
• For boys, get them first to sit and pee before you commence standing to pee.
NB: Please don’t make a fuss when they have peeing accidents. Encourage them and let them know that accidents happen. This helps with their self esteem.


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