Nipple care while breastfeeding – how to prevent cracked nipples and how to encourage healing.

The most common cause for sore or cracked nipples while breastfeeding is as a result of poor latching of the baby’s mouth on the nipples while breastfeeding. When a good breastfeeding position and the proper latch is achieved, then it is unlikely that you would develop sore nipples.
So, how do I get the proper latch?
The picture below shows how a baby should latch properly while breastfeeding. Your baby’s mouth should cover the entire dark area of the breast, called the areola; your baby’s chin should also touch your breast. This measure helps prevent cracked nipples.

So what if my nipples are already cracked?
Well, if your nipples are already cracked, you will have to resist the urge not to breastfeed your baby. It is in breastfeeding that it will eventually get healed.
Here are a few things you could do to help ease your pain and encourage healing:
  • ·         Before you start breastfeeding, express a little breastmilk and apply it over the areola,
  • ·         When you want to breastfeed, start off your baby on the nipple that is not cracked. By the time you move her over to the next nipple, she would be gentler while sucking because she wouldn’t be as hungry.
  • ·         Change your breast pads often
  • ·      Finally, apply nipple cream to the sore nipples. This moisturizes the nipple and encourages faster healing.

You can contact us at Rafar+ Pharmacy for suitable nipple creams for you. Feel free to ask us questions on areas of concern on breastfeeding, infant nutrition and baby care.
We, at Rafar+ Pharmacy, are glad to be your everyday health resource and we encourage you to look good, live healthy.

Call us on: 07046172461, 07046172462, 07046172463, 08179706207, 07089486501
Or visit us at:
Rafar+ Pharmacy, Metropark Mall, Plot 6B Sani Abacha Rd, GRA, Port Harcourt
Rafar+ Pharmacy, Grace Pavilion, 2 Nsirim Street by Ada George Rd, Port Harcourt


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