The Hand Sanitizer Boom

I remember when hand sanitizers expired on the shelves of a lot of pharmacies and supermarkets. Some people didn't know what it was used for while others didn't feel it served any useful purpose since they could always wash their hands with soap and water.

However, the hand sanitizer business experienced a boom in Nigeria from July when the first case of the Ebola Viral Disease (EVD) was reported in Lagos. The demand greatly surpassed the supply.

I began to wonder if all the people scrambling for sanitizers were just adding it to their acquisitions or if they were actually making good use of them.

This post serves to remind us of why beyond EVD, hand sanitizers are must haves and also how and when to use them.

Hand sanitizers should not replace hand washing,  but should be used when one does not have access to soap and water.

They are portable and this makes it easier for one to maintain good hand hygiene at all times.

Having hand sanitizers in schools help reduce cases of illnesses and student absenteeism.

So while sanitizers shouldn't replace hand washing,  they complement hand washing.

So how do I properly use my sanitizer?

Place a small amount on your palm.
Rub both hands together for a minimum of 15 seconds,  or till it evaporates.
Allow the sanitizer to dry on its own; don't wipe it off.
Don't forget to rub properly in between the fingers especially the thumb and the fore finger and also at the back of the hands.

So now, you are good to go.

P.S. Wash your hands with soap and water when when they are visibly soiled.


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