Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar, is a must-have in your home. I have experienced first hand and received testimonials of its goodness.
Apple Cider Vinegar is made from the fermentation of crushed apples to yield acetic acid. Bragg's ACV alkalinizes the system and ensures the system is pH balanced.
I have used Bragg's ACV over the years and can attest to its benefits. Some of its benefits are listed after the cut.

1: Diabetes management: It lowers blood sugar levels & improves insulin sensitivity.
2. Liver detoxification: ACV plays a role in detoxifying the liver and eliminates harmful environmental toxins from the body.
3. Weight management: It enhances the feeling of satiety following its blood sugar balancing qualities; this helps individuals to control their portions and calorie intake and eventually translates to weight loss.
4. Skin health - ACV is active against bacteria and is suitable for acne management.
5. Heart health - Some animal studies have shown that ACV causes reduction in cholesterol levels.
Join the train! Add ACV to your daily lifestyle for a healthier you.

Bragg's ACV has a lot of uses around the home. Follow @rafarpharmacy on Instagram and subscribe to our blog for health tips. We will put up a post on household uses of ACV tomorrow.
Visit us instore or send a message to order ACV from us. Our mission is to help you look good and live healthy


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