Who we are!

Here's introducing Rafar Tips, the information arm of Rafar+ Pharmacy. First of all, Rafar+ Pharmacy is an integrative retail pharmacy that preaches wellness. 

We are not your conventional pharmacy, that just basically "fills prescriptions'. 
Rather, our focus is more on promoting healthy lifestyles and prevention of disease. We are interested in your entire wellbeing - your health, beauty etc. And we want to encourage you to develop healthy lifestyles that will reduce your chances of falling ill.

Follow us on RafarTips and you will find out amazing stuff - 
Discover a lot of information on how not to develop high blood pressure, how to maintain a trim figure, how to grow your hair, maintain youthful skin, deal with acne, make the right choices for your baby's nutrition and so much more.

We promise you, it will surely be worth your while !!!!


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