Managing Dry Skin During the Dry Season

The harmattan season has begun in earnest in many parts of Nigeria. Our skin requires special care to prevent excessive drying out, cracking, scaly skin and chapped lips. Check out 8 ways to care for your skin during this dry season. 
It also applies to the winter season.

  1. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize  o  Did you know an adult with dry skin needs to apply at least 500 ml of moisturizer weekly while a child should apply 250 ml of moisturizer weekly to stay moisturized?
  2. Apply moisturizer following the flow of your hair follicles (don’t rub your body in all directions while applying your cream to prevent skin irritation).
  3.  Apply moisturizer immediately after having a bath to lock in moisture
  4. Always have a hand cream handy – either in your bag, the glove compartment of your car or on your office desk
  5. Avoid extremely hot baths which could dry out the skin.
  6. Vaseline petroleum jelly is super helpful – apply generously and regularly on your elbows, knees and heels
  7. Have a lip moisturizer? Apply generously and regularly to prevent cracked lips.
    Photo credit:
  8.  Hydrate for health – take a lot of water, it is good for your system and your skin, especially during the dry season.


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