How do you really wash your hands?

Right from when I was growing up, I have had it drummed into my ears on so many occasions that it is very important to wash our hands before we eat, after we use the bathroom, after blowing our nose or coughing and after handling dirt. However, I am not too sure I was put through the wonder steps in proper hand washing.

Yes, even hand washing has its own special technique and not just the regular 5 second stint that a lot of us practice.

While washing our hands, we need to target some key areas, where germs gather, which we normally forget.

It is also important, that we do not spend less than 20 seconds, washing our hands.

Check out the steps to follow while washing your hands from the Health Promotion Board.

Kindly share this information. It could be a life saver.

Look good, live healthy.

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Metropark Mall,
Plot 6B, Sani Abacha Rd, GRA, Port Harcourt
Grace Pavilion,
2, Nsirim Street by Ada George Rd


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