When should I start potty training my child?
Potty training is the process of weaning a child from weeing (urinating) and pooing (defecating) on their diapers. Sometimes parents rush this because they want to cut down the cost of investing in diapers. One way to make the potty training process easy for both parents or caregivers and children is to wait till the child is ready. If not, it could be a long, frustruating and tortuous journey. Children are ready to be potty trained at different ages because every child is unique. Children are generally potty trained between the ages of 18 months and three years.Generally, girls are ready to be potty trained a few months earlier than boys. Photo Credit: Pixababy Here are some signs to look out for, to know if your toddler is ready to be potty tr ained . ü Your child can stand, walk and run on her own. ü She shows discomfort when her diaper is wet o...