
Showing posts from April, 2014

Vitamin E - Are they all same?

There's this saying from the book, the Animal Farm, that all animals are equal but some are more equal than others. This is very true for the supplement, Vitamin E. There are a lot of Vitamin E brands in the market, almost all of which are touted to be natural. However, two Vitamin E brands might appear to be the same at face value,but could actually differ a whole lot in their structure and how effective they are in our bodies. Let me digress a little, what is all this hype about vitamin E? Why should one be interested in it? I'll tell you what -  Vitamin E is a must have vitamin.  For the woman, it promotes healthy and youthful skin. For both genders, it mops up toxins that would ordinarily build up in our bodies and increase chances of one becoming very ill with cancers and other terminal diseases, it boosts our immunity thereby fighting disease, it protects our brain and heart, finally,  it boosts fertility!! Quite a number of people that take vitamin E supple...